July 18, InnoVista Sensors Huizhou organized a badminton activity around the themes work-life balance and health care. The activity aimed at encouraging employees to live a healthy life, by paying more attention to exercising, and improving their physical condition. 23 employees including Sales Engineers from from different regions of China turned up at the Jiuzhong gym. After warming up, they grouped by themselves into teams and started to play badminton, swinging, jumping and working out on the court. The activity lasted 2.5hours. Although everyone was exhausted, it was no denying that they were filled with vigor and energy. After the activity, all the participants had a dinner together to celebrate. The volunteers were impressed by each other and spent a memorable day. Through the activity, we fully understood that the singles required energy and agility, and in the doubles it was collaboration and enthusiasm that paid off. Meanwhile, exercising, discovering interests in life, and having fun are really playing an important role in achieving a good work-life balance.