s a member of ECIA, Crouzet aims at improving its understanding and efficiency within the authorized supply chain for electronic components. Its main goal: strengthening its position as a mechatronic manufacturer on the NA market.
What is ECIA?
ECIA is the US Electronic Components Industry Association which focuses on the issues facing the electronic and electromechanical components industry. Members are suppliers like Crouzet. Many of our distributors and also our Manufacturers’ Representatives are members too. Attendees are Company Presidents, Vice Presidents and Directors, and CEOs.
ECIA’s primary mission is to promote and improve the business environment for the authorized sale of electronic components by manufacturers, their reps and distributors.
To this end, ECIA recently formed three councils : one for manufacturers, one for distributors, and one for representatives.
How is Crouzet involved in ECIA?
By gathering all actors of the supply chain -manufacturers, distributors and independent manufacturer reps-, ECIA offers industry leaders the opportunity to address industry issues and improve efficiency.
Thanks to the three councils, it also offers now the possibility to the members in each group to network and discuss among themselves.
“Crouzet’s support and participation on the Council allows us to understand high-level business conditions within the North American market, have input and influence regarding important initiatives facing the industry, network with top executives, and gain more credibility at our top distributors”, says Robert Derringer, Global Channel Director, who volunteered to speak for Crouzet on the Manufacturing Council.
Members of the councils will gather twice a year and monthly by teleconference.
During their last meeting, discussions focused on general business conditions and also other topics, including : the possible use of blockchain within the supply chain, the appropriate use of POS data in the face of ever increasing privacy laws, the risks and rewards of ship & debit policies employed by many suppliers. Also on the agenda : whether or not to refresh a study on the value of distribution in the supply chain, and better ways to manage data between reps, suppliers, and distributors.