Tag Archives: Crouzet

How to Boost Innovation?

Innovation is nothing new, it has always existed. Yet everyone talks about it. It has even become one of the most widely spread companies’ value. Why is it so urgent to innovate and what for? “Everyone talks about it, nobody really knows how to do it, everyone thinks everyone else is doing it, so everyone

Celebrating 50 years of Industrial Presence in Germany

Markus, first of all, thank you for welcoming us for this interview. So 50 years…that’s a lot of industrial developments, processes and activities. During those years, what has guided the company to ensure its long-lasting presence in Germany? Developing and maintaining a local presence in Germany has always been something challenging for us. Our cohesive

Worldwide Industrial Presence and Operational Excellence

Crouzet competes on a global market with high requirements of quality. Faced with growing demand from clients for help in transforming the performance of their operations, Crouzet has placed its operational performance and technological innovation to the best level. ″Operational excellence is our continuous improvement process in order to meet customers’ expectations″, Kaoutar Nejjari, Operational

Slim Timers for High-Power Applications

SYR-LINE timers meet application requirements for inrush current protection Crouzet introduces its most powerful family of slim timers featuring dual output and high current capacity. SYR-LINE 17.5 mm Analog Timers is the first series in a new family of specialized control devices. SYR-LINE Timers feature high 16A current capabilities to enable control of larger loads