Category: GLOBAL

Garos Crouzet lays the first stone

Couëron, September 30th 2020 J ust two years since acquiring Garos, Crouzet is now investing in a new building and cultivating a fresh impetus to its integration strategy for part of its activities. One stone atop another  After acquiring Garos in February 2019 and merging Garos Capteurs and Garos Electronique into Garos Crouzet SAS last

Crouzet acquires Microprecision Electronics and accelerates its growth

November 26th 2019 Enlarging its product range and manufacturing presence in Central Europe Synergies and benefits for both companies « Microprecision delivers value to its customers through product quality, engineered solu-tions and flexible services. Both companies’ activities are very complementary », Gerald Grandsire, M&A Director at Crouzet says. Crouzet customers around the world will now